Right to Wellbeing

Where we live has an incredible impact on our wellbeing and health.  We know that living in the UK’s more deprived areas can have consequences for health and life expectancy.  There are many reasons for that, including access to services, the standard of housing – and the quality of air.  

Atmospheric air pollution is the cause of many thousands of premature, avoidable, deaths in the UK every year – including Ella Adoo KissiDebrah, who died in 2013 at the age of nine after being exposed in her home and local area to levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in excess of WHO guidelines. Despite limits set by EU and domestic law, no authority took action to reduce the levels of nitrogen dioxide and no health professional gave Ella’s parents information about the health implications of air pollution and its potential to exacerbate asthma.

No one should live in an environment that is harmful to their health and wellbeing.


Right to Grow


Right to Be Heard